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5 star reviews for
Through my Eyes. Again.

My debut novel was released on 24th March – and it has already garnered 5 star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

You can buy this ebook at your favourite ebook site.

Here’s one of the 5* reviews…

What an excellent, enthralling and entertaining story Through my Eyes, Again is! Unlike anything I’ve ever read before. It’s difficult to slot into a genre as it’s not fantasy, or mystery, or autobiographical novel, but it has elements of all of these and more. We travel through the teenage years with an extraordinary young man, William, known as Will and Willi. We share his highs and lows, his successes and trials as he struggles with family and relationships, finding joy and love in some but torment and abuse in others. He has a mature attitude towards the events he lives through, because…..he has experienced a lot of this before! Part of his psyche is that of a seventy year old man, his “old brain”, which often has to struggle with the hormonal hurricanes of the teenager he is today. There are surprises and twists in the story, things to make you laugh and cry, some history and some science (my own love in life) . I honestly had to drag myself away from this book to live my routine life as I couldn’t imagine what would happen next.

Robert Hart paints such well rounded characters, living a totally believable life in a totally unbelievable situation. It takes a master to accomplish this and I look forward impatiently to the next book as there are so many intriguing questions to be answered. This would make an excellent tv series I think. If you like an interesting and unusual book this five star read is definitely for you.